Wednesday, March 12, 2008

今天整天又在无所事事, 又不想读书, 结果就在那儿蹉跎岁月....

SPM今天放榜, 表姐她的成绩还蛮标青的....


妈妈一直以来对我成绩都不闻不问, 成绩册分回来, 看也懒得看就在那儿签个名。 即使我在某个科目拿到最高分, 或者是名列前茅, 她也从来不会给我半句赞赏的话语, 毫无表示, 好像事不关己那样, 或许是欢喜在心头, 不想表露吧--大人嘛!

反而是我输不起, 每到考试前就失去理性, 在那而跟考试拼了, 差点就病倒了那种---我想每个中学生都是这样吧! 尤其今年又要SPM了, 压力是一定的啦! 当考到好成绩时, 不就值回了吗?

和朋友的冷战还未停止, 因为我们双方都不肯认输, 都坚持己见, 都不肯退一不, 因此很难海阔天空....

有想过要主动道歉, 可是就是爱面子...

等吧! 在过几天我一定忍不住这冷战的---好朋友嘛! 到时再来道歉咯! 让咱们都有足够的时间去反省、去思考...我想, 应该不会为时已晚吧! 但愿如此啦! 随愿吧!

弟弟今天突然问我, 姐啊, 有人姓赖吗?

我说: 有啊! 赖东进咯! 乞丐囝仔的作者...

讲到这里, 突然好想念三舅,这本书也是他借我看的---蛮好看的一本书, 作者描述了他如何在逆境中创造出奇迹....

三舅在我儿时总是陪我和弟妹们玩, 他可以放下尊严的和我们一起玩乐, 反之我爸他却从来没有活在我们的记忆中, 爸爸跟我们相处的时间都不到三舅的三分之一, 他让我们在没有爸爸的陪伴之下渡过了美好的童年..... 

三舅他真的教会了我很多, 教会了我如何做个有用的人... 

现在他走了, 应该会比以往幸福吧! 至少在那儿每人会瞧不起他了, 没人会在说他是个寄生虫了, 他可以找到属于他的幸福与快乐了...




  1. Not so terrible what!--- 蹉跎岁月.Do take enough rest before u start studying hard for spm.Student like u should have no problem in scoring straight A1.
    I can relate ur pressure 2 d result ur cousin attained.
    I did nothing during the sch holiday,didnt do revision,didnt read even a page of story book.....simply let the time passing..
    I dont want to force myself too much.
    btw,correcting mistakes that i've done in the 1st test.
    Im not happy with my result at all.Bt i didnt fail any.
    Not only do u behave like this----怕输,me too,sometimes,
    n so i dislike to share my knowledge with my competitors. Bt being a Prs,im still trying to correctmy weaknesses.
    ~Mee CHIN
    ~may God bless you and do take care

  2. i once have this kind of perception too.
    great effort gives even greater results....
    but that was years ago....during my primary sch time.
    i always try hard, really study n aim for no.1, which i get eventually.

    i found out that, when i go to secondary, its hard to compete
    the environment is different, better students are everywhere.
    n if i keep the same view, i'll sure go commit suicide coz i'll never get top 10.
    so i juz slow my pace, slacking every now and then.
    so i end up like this.

    the bright side is, i can lose some pressure
    concentrate more only on subjects i like
    and also spend time in co-co

    dark side is, i dont really care when i get bad result
    making me lose the initiative
    and have to listen to my mom nags. hehe

  3. scoring straight A1 is prove to be difficult these days. So straight As is consider very very good already. Especially chinese. Only godlike student get A1 in chinese.

    but i agree with mee chin
    amy won't have any problem achieving great results in spm.
    they say clever ppl runs in family. its in their blood.
    so as amy said her cousin scored good results in spm.
    amy should have no problem too. =)

  4. wow...thx god!
    i think u r d only 1 hu really serious in d prs thgs...
    all d f4 gals dis year seems lyk dun hv much interest in it..
    i dislyk 2 share as well (selfish)....
    bt as wat my mum said...
    god c wat u did, all d kindness u did may be repaid 1 day ...
    same as all those bad thgs..
    juz do wat u feel is right and wont regret wat u did..
    never hurt any ppl, esp those u love...
    dats hw life goes on...

    thx 4 viewing...

  5. wa...
    u both seems lyk hving a high expectation on me ya...
    sorry 2 tell u both...
    u both will b dissapointed....
    my eng is extremely poor..
    u both really cnt imagine hw poor was my eng is..
    i m sure calvin, u cn feel it rite? (through my writing)...
    4 me, all language subjects r hard 2 score..
    esp eng...
    i m going 2 kill myself if i fail 2 gt an A 4 my ppt again...

    by d way...
    frm where u learn those eng writing skills..
    i will b grateful n glad if i cn write half as gud as urs...
    mind 2 share all ur learning secret..

    u really humble enough ya..
    good in pretending..
    hving such a good resut in CLHS..
    as a president 4 so many society in CLHS...
    still saying u r not gud enough??
    honestly 2 say, really envy u...

    p/s wats ur primary skul?

  6. 哇。。。


  7. I DO agree with what Amy said:
    ( wa...u really humble enough till hosnestly to say,really eny u.......)
    Calvin is gud in pretending.To me,its extremely difficult to be an A class stdnt in CLHS.Gud stdnts r everywhere in CLHS compared to CDK,many competitors of course!So its hard to be a president in any club and society,unless very reliable n responsible.Otherwise pls sit down n build castles in the sky lah!(like me)
    Not only does amy envy u,me too.Calvin,Even sometimes u said u fared badly in some subjects,bt, pls,bear in mind,CLHS is one of d top schs in pg,so the standard is more higher.To my opinion,u should satisfy with ur result nw n where u r nw.Its beyond praise already.Always kip on saying u r nt gud enaf.N i agree with Amy too---Calvin is very gud at eng.If i can write only 10% like Calvin's blog,i'll thank to the sake's of GOD.nonid to study so hard,still can be so gud!Not only does Calvin,Amy,u,urself, also very gud liao lah!Compared 2 u all,im d worst.To be frank,i do admire Amy n Calvin.Amy,u r a petrol leader in renjer,pengerusi in UBK n pengawas blk media.Nt gud?(me semua pun tak ada,tentu pergi mati lebih baik loh)
    Like me,this stupid fellow,definitely no hopes if u two kip on saying u two r nt d best.
    Nt only U,amy,im sure Calvin will think im extremely poor in eng.Its definitely more worse thau u,Amy!Pls dont get dejected!Me is d worst!Jz u n Calvin dont dare to tell me lah.
    I've frens from clhs n pcghs too.Whenever they say they r nt gud,my reply is,
    "if i were u,i'll be the last stdnt in ur sch".Even u r nt from A class,u all r definitely better than me a lot esp stdnts from CLHS.No matter how mischievous,how lazy u r ,which class r u in(i mean in A n B class)u r still d best!In top sch what!Lolx!I still ADMIRE u all!

  8. wa....
    another humble gal again...
    sorry 2 tell u....
    i m juz a ordinary member in renjer..
    sobx sobx....

    by d way...
    i gv u d wrong info ad..
    d 1 hu compete wif u 4 d president place is nt jia yuh bt hoi yan...
    miss tan gv me d instruction ad...
    all d bez 2 u ya..

  9. Haiz!I dun mind whether i'll be a president in PRS next yr or nt.
    Dun say until like that lah.(d 1 hu compete wif u 4 d president place isnt Jia Yuh bt HOi yan)...........
    it seems im attacking Hoi Yan in order to get the high post.Lolx!
    Im very very close to Hoi Yan 1,u noe.To be frank she's better than me a lot in
    doing things.So hope u can suggest to miss tan dat the president of PRS
    next yr should not me bt Hoi Yan.If can naib pengerusi give Jia Yuh.Is better.
    N setiausaha n bendahari give others.
    Its okay i dun've any.No jealous NESS.
    N hoi Yan is a very active,kind n a nt sellfish ppl compared to me.( n pls,
    since i noe miss tan's kuan,so i tel u here,she is a tcher-advisor who likes stdnt
    gud in academic to be high post leader.So pls tell her dat Marvellous result isnt a passport toward a bright future.Everyone has their own talents.
    IF she chooses me to b d president as Hoi Yan is in 4S2.)
    Saya tdk berwibawa.IF i were president,i'll bring shame to PRS.
    Im extremely passive,unless i've some suggestions to speak during d meeting.
    While Hoi Yan is a very humour people.
    She likes to cheer others up.
    N abt pengawas bilik media,i dun hope to get high post at all.
    it'd b better to behave like this.

  10. mistakes here
    Abt pengawas blk media,i dun hope to get high post at all.
    I DUN HOPE,is wrong.
    HOPE changes to WANT. ,i want to concentrate on study esp after JUn n when in F5.
