Thursday, February 19, 2009


我今天其实很累了,但我希望赶快凑足一百个 post,所以就顺便update 一下


最近的我,开始接触球类运动了,开始是包龄球,然后桌球,到昨天的羽毛球,哎!才发现原来没有一样球类运动我是擅长的。闹出超多笑话来。上次打羽毛球,我和征绘,两个对一个,输还没关系,还要连连接10 粒球都不行,哎!最多也是七粒,但我们还是又免费早餐,因为打赌赢了,我们接超过6粒球!不错啦!搞到我的手今天超痛也,搬货都没力,怪就怪我平时没运动。







SPM 放榜越来越近了啦!!!开始有压力!恶梦都不知道发过几次了啦!怕….






P/S 有点累,改天再接,会比较生活化的了。。。


Wednesday, February 11, 2009







虽然你不是一个会逃避的女 生,




败者,失去一 个心中的挚爱,而心灵所流的血会化成眼泪流下。


其实我没奢求我们有着美好的 天长地久,我只想让你知道我曾经这样默默地这样喜欢过你。

特此声明 : 没有特别指定给谁, 只是一天在不同的地方看到这段文字两次,觉









前天和同事去庆祝hit target 的事情,喝了满满的六杯,真的有点昏的感觉,又不至于醉,感觉还挺特别的。不错的经历。我妈她不是很高兴我整身酒味回来。对她而言,喝酒,抽烟的就不是好人,可偏偏在那儿工作的,我最能谈得来的,就是她所谓的猪朋狗友。撇开他们喝酒,抽烟不谈,他们真的很有义气咯,豪爽!我只希望她能相信我这个女儿,有能力控制自己不被他们带坏!就那么简单,很难吗?我会对自己负责!我不想每天跟她吵,很累!



Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Early valentine

God! Sore throat pain, fever, cough, flu all come at once, terrible.


Finally, I hit my target, 30 000, and of course, I get my 1 % commission, so I am rich now!!!


Consider there are 12 staffs in our shop, which is more than enough to cover the working load, or maybe I am not that close with my supervisor, so ended up I been kick out from Prangin’s Body glove, and will be working at sunshine new outlet soon!!! I don’t really sure about the confirm date. Sobx sobx!


By the way, I just watched Underworld 3 with Shu Wei, which was strictly for those who are above 18. ( I will be 18 soon….) Nice movie! It will be even perfect if we were not seating at the first row, you will never know how pain my neck was after the movie.


Finally, I finish reading twilight. It cost me 32 hours 46 minutes and 29 second. Hey, I did count it k? Lolz, I will consider it as a high reading speed. Whoever got a chance to read this book, do read it, because you will never know how regret you are if u miss it. It is much more better than the movie, with all the details inside. Undeniable, it will be even interesting if you are good in imagination and like love story. Like a typical me!




This year, I retired from the kuih ka pek job, so cant eat as many as I want.


I will going to have my hair treatment soon, since somebody say my hair looks like ah po, Gerr! Hurt la.


Just in case you don’t know, valentine is coming, so our customer is entitled to get a free paper bag with every purchase of any couple series. No doubt, the paper bag looks much nicer than I thought. Hehe, Obviously, I don’t have the chance to buy any of the couple series, so I ga sak it lo. Jenny even asks me to do noon shift that day since nobody is going to date me. Pity leh? Joking la. Seeing those who are dating now, group together and discuss about the gift for their partner, you will know how sweet, happy, and creative they are. The 3 underwear shops opposite us, The lingerie, Yobo, XXX selling the underwear pack in a heart box, with the strawberry flavour, I was like “Huh?”  The price not really cheap leh! I seems to be outdated ya,


Lasty, Early wishes from me, 元宵节快乐, 情人节快了!!!!!


P/s i love the paper bag