Monday, July 27, 2009

Penang 2

Well, do you realise that it is very hard to find a soul mate who really understands you well in most of the aspects? Ok, maybe you found one, or to be more precisely, you thought you found one, but how long you can maintain such kind of good relationship? Shaynn is probably right, you will know who you can really count on when the time come. But at the mean time, just experience what you have at this moment.


For what I have gone through so far, human’s relationship is kindda complicated. At school, even they / we are in the same class for so many years, it can still be observed that there is someone holding grudge towards someone, or someone is pretentious ( hehe ),; while in the working place, you will see how own benefits can be ahead of others, I don’t mean every working place is like that, but you will see how true it is when the time come. ( Let me have my pretended maturity a while ma.)


Ok, back to reality. I am going back this Saturday night which indirectly implies that I am going to stay away from the TV, shopping mall, fancy clothes etc for another 10 weeks. Sobx. Don’t feel like wana back la. Honestly, that place isn’t that bad la, just I prefer penang ma. Actually, I prefer Penang to be another country but not one of the state of Malaysia, and then stick to Penang’s education plan etc. Hehe. (Day dreaming…)


I will go to my previous school tomorrow. Hehe. I know  teacher sthere miss me…lolz…



  1. 在我的生活经验中,人间是没有好人的。天下没有一份友情是经得起挫折,更没有一份友情是经得起岁月的考验,所以,做人不需在乎天长地久的友情,只在乎曾经一起渡过的日子罢了!当然,在生活中,是没有人回来了解我们,哭永远是自己一个人的!我们须知朋友的内心是没有那么好的!
    (Sorry to those who are my friends.我是直话直说,不想婉转!〕

  2. 做人实在好可悲!人间是这样子的,当你有利益时,人家就靠进你,没有利益时,人家就逃避你!对我而言,工作时,要以事不关己,己莫劳心的心态来面对,千万不要做好人!好人通常是没有好报的!还有,我从来没有羡慕公司的高层人世,况且那些人也是以不择手段的方式来谋取利益的!同事之间的感情也是乱来一场!

  3. 毕业后,我才没有这么好去回校!没有一位老师是值得我去尊重与敬爱的!除了上帝所赐的一份缘,我更本没有理由去与任何师长联络!

  4. Adding here: I am still trying. At least recently i did NOT help one of my frens to solve a prob though she is in a critical situation. I have done what i really want.( in activity) Of course I have been experiencing many bad thgs. But I am NOT happy with my attitude for what i've done today, that is, giving advice to one of my friends. I don really trust the fren! Takut, takut!( cant share wif u til til very detailed)
    *I gave advice becos i really took pity on what dat fren suffered.
    I will try to improve my sellfish attitude after f5! Better don give people advice rather than giving! This's what i think, i will not change this!

  5. Of course i had experienced many bad thgs and had heard many bad thgs from frens, so i just shared here! Sorry

  6. I also prefer Penang to be a country...then independent and can develop as we want...
    No matter how dirty, how much vandalism, how much messy....honestly...Penang still the best place of all to me...^^

  7. my friend, 朋友不止是为你带来痛苦,也为你带来不少的欢乐与感动。世上并没有任何事物是十全十美的,友情亦如此。你总不能因为它所带来的痛楚,而忘了你曾经享受过友情果实的甜美。人看得开、看得透,就也没什么大不了的。会痛,是因为你在乎。当你不再留恋,这证明这事物在你心中已无任何地位。有些事物已无价值,当你不再重视它的时候……

  8. 这世界上绝对有好人,只不过看你是否遇见他们而已。乐观些啦,人也会开心些。对,相识满天下,知己又有几个?知音难寻,倘若你就是那幸运的那位,好好珍惜哦!其实,哪会有没争吵的友谊?朋友,若彼此都珍惜这份情义,无论经过多少风雨,还是会那么要好,有些, 还会越越好呢!

    No offence ya...

  9. Totally agree, thats why we need to choose sum1 who is trustworthy, then only share with her / matter hapiness or sorrow, for me, i will feel better if i have sum1 to share. Of course, will try to endure my sorrow 1st before i share. Haha. Hate to be alone...

  10. 哈, 我有我喜欢的老师在那,所以都会回去。

  11. hehe, same here. Penang is the best...

  12. To creamydreamy: I know who u r. You are Kam Yoke.

  13. one more agree here....hehe, i miss penang a lot lar...i wan laksa...=.=

    Stay positive=)

  14. If u ask me whether i trust u my ans is definitely a NO.To be honest i know u talked something abt me in front of one person last time. N what i want to emphasize here is i hate people talking about thgs tht don exist.In other words, 自创无中生有的东西.Thank for respecting. I don wan to talk too direct to you. if u don know what i am talking then no need to know. I hope u can read it HERE. Of course i get angry with it. I just voiced out in a direct way. I don wan to talk too much to u here later sure i kena.

  15. I have to admit 我也不是多好而已!Sorry

  16. well, sometimes there are things that are better to say to trustworthy friends who you might didn't know well but is a good audience.
    different people have different roles and different circles.
    your soul mate is someone you'd want to spend the rest of your life with. but a soul mate's role is different for everyone. everyone have different opinion right...
    a person will be your soul mate if he/she has the same opinion as you do on this matter.

    i agree that human relationship is complicated. and the situations you stated in schools and working place...its not going to end there. in fact its not going to end forever... there's nothing we can do about it. well, just prepare yourself for what's out there.

    lastly, as a kaki penang, i totally have the same feeling about penang being a country than a state. =)

  17. Yup. Cauz sometimes stranger wouldnt reveal your secret, or even they reveal, you woluldnt noe it as well. ctually, You are the best " stranger " to me...lmao...

  18. LOL. stranger got best or worst??? haha
    come to think of it....i just realized we'd only met once...or twice...XP

  19. Let me share here:
    I wan to emphasize here that stranger canoot be trusted too. Haha.
    cos she might spread 2 ur frens to his/her frens that u know as well. Then thgs will come worst. I havent experience it but this happened in my fren. Lol. This is just my opinion that they cant be trusted. People that can be trusted is PAPA n MAMA only. This goes same to beloved i think.I don know abt this of coz coz no experience!

  20. To those who drop here: NO OFFENCE K !

  21. i agree with this. but personally, there are somethings that you can't talk about to your parents can you???
    you know what i mean lar. ;-P

  22. i know...i know....of coz lar...that thgs if talk to mummy n papa sure will kena marah i know. U mean......I know what u mean.. Not everythg can talk to parents but i have a few reliable frens to talk to of coz! Lol. but don talk out 100percen lar.Sometimes i also tipu my mummy of coz for benefits.Hehehehe

  23. 有些矛盾。不好意识!我的blog是专门讽刺那些讲话没有经过大脑的人罢了!Lol.部落格还是最佳倾诉的对象!哈哈。
